Emo is short for emotion ... (of course!) Could say was 'born' taon 80s where time is actually more widespread genre of hardcore bands (that explain the scream / growl thingy ...). hardcore underground movement and was later better known by the name sXe or 'straight edge' ...
sXe is a form of 'protest' of young Americans who try to get out of pakem2 lifestyle 'deviant', such as sex, drugs, and alcohol .... practically the most influential bands rich gorilla biscuit time, into another, youth of today , 7 seconds, and much more. this movement as a priority to the hardcore music scene as a straight edge to them and their lifestyle. short straight edge means to live without Morocco but I did not eat meat (vegan) but I did not drunk (non alcoholic), even the most extreme can get guns ngent * t (it's extreme ?!!!)
This genre is very rapid progress in the various underground scenes and even a new grip anak2 rich young emo .... maybe in the last taun2. but this does make some people who originally made this concept so embarrassed. everyone wants to be sXe (ikut2an). and even this scene is a trend. case for the basic orang2 regrettable by Ray Cappo (Youth of Today) and rekan2nya else.
hence some people who claimed to benar2 'true' tried out and decided to find something else.some new genre emerged ... rich krishnacore (eg band: shelter), which is still led by ama Ray Cappo Youth of Today after its disbanding. genre name is taken from the teachings of Hinduism (India so lah ...) and the lyrics more to introspection and restoration.
another sub-genre was born and bermacam2 ... then there are some bands that began to express and play with emotion. her songs are usually very kenceng2 guns (initially) but time went on the lyrics / chorus who are considered most growers, they ngeluarin all his emotions and some vocalists tend to scream (scream), and even weep and wail a splashy distortions. the lyrics are their primary ammunition. emo is the forerunner who we know today. maybe the band Give Up The Ghost could be a reference on this fine day, I'll still many other band2.
so at first it really .. ga too ngutamain emo music ... but how do I let emotion expressed ... such lu lu lu bete krn girl ketauan ngent * t ama temen lu (cheating) ... expression of sadness, bad mood, angry was poured on the lyrics and packed in musik.musik just as the media.
as the passing of time, who was born band2 start giving the concept and find a more musical ability. end of the millennium there is one band that could be considered emo bokapnya we know right now that is Glassjaw. if some is actually similar perhatiin ama Finch Glassjaw (album cover too similar) but from the commercial side of the Finch probably more liked by the controlling the music industry.
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